Cody Morterud is a software engineer.


  • Builder Pattern in C++

    Introduction The builder pattern is the usage of a public static inner class to facilitate construction of objects with many member variables, especially of the same type. The key advantages of using the builder pattern...
  • Single Responsibility Principle for Functions

    Introduction You’re writing a function. When should you break the function up? Is this function too long? Who cares? This may be a little bit of a subjective topic, but in my junior opinion, a...
  • Spring Retry Aspect Oriented Programming

    Introduction Let’s say you have a microservices architecture, where the failure of an unknown system can cause the failure of your system, paraphrased from Leslie Lamport. This means that errors, or bad responses from other...
  • An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models

    Introduction A Hidden Markov Model, or HMM is a special case of a Bayesian Network. In the Bayesian Network representation above of a first-order HMM, there are three hidden states, and three observations. \(A\), \(B\),...
  • Diffie Hellman Example with Python

    Introduction Diffie Hellman key exchange is a method of constructing a shared secret between two parties. A shared secret is something that can be used as a key to conduct symmetric encryption, such as AES....
  • Genetic Algorithm Example in C#

    Genetic Algorithms are used to solve optimization problems where there exists a function to evaluate the fitness of a particular potential solution. For example, finding the value of a random bitstring given a fitness function...
  • Factory Pattern in C++

    The factory pattern is part of a class of design patterns called creational design patterns, and the point of the factory pattern is to remove the explicit instantiation of a class out of a user’s...
  • Dependency Injection in C++

    This website is named after Dependency Injection because it was the first design pattern I was introduced to in my career. The usefulness of Dependency Injection is in that the implementation of a class is...
  • RSA Encryption and Decryption Example by Python

    RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. The most common usage of RSA is the cryptosystem, one of the first asymmetric cryptosystem. By asymmetric, I mean that the key to encrypt and the key to...
  • Integrating GPG with Git on Ubuntu Linux

    Over the course of 3 years studying Computer Science, I have made heavy use of Bash and Git. Just last semester, I took a course called Introduction to Cryptography where I learned about secure systems,...
  • The First Blog Post

    def say_hello(): print("Hello everybody!") say_hello() #=> prints 'Hello everybody!' to STDOUT. Welcome to my blog! I hope you can find something useful here. I am just starting out a blog to connect with other people...

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