Genetic Algorithms are used to solve optimization problems where there exists a function to evaluate the fitness of a particular potential solution.

For example, finding the value of a random bitstring given a fitness function to determine the similarity between a bitstring and the solution.


In genetics terminology, a potential solution is referred to as a chromosome.

To use a Genetic Algorithm, we need a fitness function which is passed a bitstring, and returns a score that represents the fitness of the bitstring.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace GeneticAlgorithm
    public class FitnessHelper
        // assumes chromosome and solution are bitstrings
        private string solution;
        public double Fitness(string chromosome)
            int editDistance = Compute(chromosome, solution);
            double score = 1.0 / (double)(editDistance + 1);

            return score;

        public FitnessHelper(string targetSolution)
            solution = targetSolution;

        // dynamic programming
        private static int Compute(string s, string t)
            int n = s.Length;
            int m = t.Length;
            var d = new int[n + 1, m + 1];

            // Step 1
            if (n == 0)
                return m;

            if (m == 0)
                return n;

            // Step 2
            for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
                d[i, 0] = i;
            for (int j = 0; j <= m; ++j)
                d[j, 0] = j;

            // Step 3
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                //Step 4
                for (int j = 1; j <= m; j++)
                    // Step 5
                    int cost = (t[j - 1] == s[i - 1]) ? 0 : 1;

                    // Step 6
                    d[i, j] = Math.Min(
                        Math.Min(d[i - 1, j] + 1, d[i, j - 1] + 1),
                        d[i - 1, j - 1] + cost
            // Step 7
            return d[n, m];

The function Fitness returns a score in the range of (0, 1] indicating the relative fitness of the chromosome.


There are four steps in running a Genetic Algorithm, namely Selection, Crossover, Mutation, and Repeated Iterations.

The purpose of the Selection step is to generate chromosomes, with a preference towards chromosomes with a higher fitness score.

The Crossover and Mutation steps introduce randomization to the generated chromosomes.

Repeated Iterations eliminates the noise from the random steps (ideally!) to identify a solution with maximum fitness.


Given some sample population, which in our example is a population of bitstrings, we should select two bitstrings according to fitness proportionate selection, where a bitstring is more likely to be chosen if the fitness of that bitstring is higher.

This means for our target bitstring of 0001, 0010 is more likely to be selected in our Selection step than 1000.

public string Select(IEnumerable<string> population,
                     IEnumerable<double> fitnesses,
                     double sum = 0.0)
    // fitness proportionate selection.
    var fitArr = fitnesses.ToArray();
    if(sum == 0.0){
        foreach(var fit in fitnesses){
            sum += fit;
    // normalize.
    for(int i = 0; i < fitArr.Length; ++i){
        fitArr[i] /= sum;
    var popArr = population.ToArray();
    // sort fitness array along with population array.
    Array.Sort(fitArr, popArr);
    sum = 0.0;
    // calculate accumulated normalized fitness values.
    var accumFitness = new double[fitArr.Length];    
    for(int i = 0; i < accumFitness.Length; ++i){
        sum += fitArr[i];
        accumFitness[i] = sum;
    var val = random.NextDouble();
    for(int i = 0; i < accumFitness.Length; ++i){
        if(accumFitness[i] > val){
            return popArr[i];
    return "";


The two chromosomes from the Selection step should now be crossed over with some probability (~0.60). If a crossover occurs, the crossover will happen at a random position.

For example, with two chromosomes 1110 and 1001 and randomly generated position 2, the chromosomes become 1010 and 1101.

public IEnumerable<string> Crossover(string chromosome1,
                                     string chromosome2)
    int randomPosition = random.Next(0, chromosome1.Length);
    string newChromosome1 = chromosome1.Substring(randomPosition) + chromosome2.Substring(0, randomPosition);
    string newChromosome2 = chromosome2.Substring(randomPosition) + chromosome1.Substring(0, randomPosition);
    return new string[] { newChromosome1, newChromosome2 };


Randomness is also introduced through mutations, where each position of each chromosome has a chance to be modified, where in this example means a bit flip.

public string Mutate(string chromosome, double probability)
    string  ret = "";
    double randomVariable = 0.0;
    foreach(char c in chromosome){
        randomVariable = random.NextDouble();
        if(randomVariable < probability){
            if(c == '1'){
                ret += "0";
                ret += "1";
            ret += c;
    return ret;

Repeated Iterations

The above three steps should be applied repeatedly until a new population is generated, as opposed to the first iteration, where a sample population is randomly generated. This new population will become the population to select new chromosomes from.

A new population is generated many times to help eliminate random noise from the population.

The parameters of the function that actually runs the genetic algorithm are a function mapping bitstring to a fitness score, the length of the bitstrings being generated, the probability of a crossover, the probability of a mutation per position per bitstring, and the number of iterations to run.

public string Run(Func<string, double> fitness, int length, double crossoverProb,
                    double mutationProb, int iterations = 100)
    int populationSize = 500;
    // run population is population being generated.
    // test population is the population from which samples are taken.
    List<string> testPopulation = new List<string>();
    List<string> runPopulation = new List<string>();
    string one = "", two = "";
    var randDouble = 0.0;
    // construct initial population.
    while(testPopulation.Count < populationSize){

    var fitnesses = new double[testPopulation.Count];
    double sum = 0.0;
    // continuously generate populations until number of iterations is met.
    for(int iter = 0; iter < iterations; ++iter){
        runPopulation = new List<string>();
        // calculate fitness for test population.
        sum = 0.0;
        fitnesses = new double[testPopulation.Count];
        for(int i = 0; i < fitnesses.Length; ++i){
            fitnesses[i] = fitness(testPopulation[i]);
            sum += fitnesses[i];
        // a population doesn't need to be generated for last iteration.
        // (using test population)
        if(iter == iterations - 1) break;
        while(runPopulation.Count < testPopulation.Count){
            one = Select(testPopulation, fitnesses, sum);
            two = Select(testPopulation, fitnesses, sum);

            // determine if crossover occurs.
            randDouble = random.NextDouble();
            if(randDouble <= crossoverProb){
                var stringArr = Crossover(one, two).ToList();
                one = stringArr[0];
                two = stringArr[1];

            one = Mutate(one, mutationProb);
            two = Mutate(two, mutationProb);


        testPopulation = runPopulation;
    // find best-fitting string.
    var testSort = testPopulation.ToArray();
    var fitSort = fitnesses.ToArray();
    Array.Sort(fitSort, testSort);
    return testSort[testSort.Length - 1];

At the end, the best fitting bitstring from the last population is returned.

Increasing the amount of iterations helps to remove more and more noise from the populations, but also increases the runtime of the algorithm. A balance needs to be found between accuracy and runtime requirements.

Increasing the population size increases the amount of randomness in the algorithm, which is needed to eventually ideally generate the best fitting bitstring. Population size and number of iterations should increase and decrease proportionally, because as additional randomness is introduced, additional iterations are needed to filter out the randomness to identify the most fit solution.


This example finds a randomly generated bitstring given a fitness function. That application may not be useful for most users, but problems can be adapted to use a Genetic Algorithm.

For example, given a problem to identify which numbers in a given array sum to a certain value, a bitstring can represent the numbers included in a potential solution.

Given the list [1, 2, 3, 4] and a sum of 8, the bitstring 1011 represents a solution where first, third and fourth element of the array are summed which is a solution to the problem.

Creating a function to represent the fitness of a bitstring is fundamental to using a Genetic Algorithm. One could write a function that, given a bitstring, calculates the sum, and returns the difference between the bitstring represented sum and the target sum, representing the fitness of the bitstring.

Full Implementation

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace GeneticAlgorithm
    public class GeneticAlgorithm
        private Random random = new Random();

        public string Generate(int length)
            string ret = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                if (random.Next(0, 2) == 1)
                    ret += "1";
                    ret += "0";
            return ret;

        public string Select(IEnumerable<string> population, IEnumerable<double> fitnesses, double sum = 0.0)
            // fitness proportionate selection.

            var fitArr = fitnesses.ToArray();
            if (sum == 0.0)
                foreach (var fit in fitnesses)
                    sum += fit;

            // normalize.
            for (int i = 0; i < fitArr.Length; ++i)
                fitArr[i] /= sum;

            var popArr = population.ToArray();

            Array.Sort(fitArr, popArr);

            sum = 0.0;

            var accumFitness = new double[fitArr.Length];

            // calculate accumulated normalized fitness values.
            for (int i = 0; i < accumFitness.Length; ++i)
                sum += fitArr[i];
                accumFitness[i] = sum;

            var val = random.NextDouble();

            for (int i = 0; i < accumFitness.Length; ++i)
                if (accumFitness[i] > val)
                    return popArr[i];
            return "";

        public string Mutate(string chromosome, double probability)
            string ret = "";
            double randomVariable = 0.0;
            foreach (char c in chromosome)
                randomVariable = random.NextDouble();
                if (randomVariable < probability)
                    if (c == '1')
                        ret += "0";
                        ret += "1";
                    ret += c;
            return ret;

        public IEnumerable<string> Crossover(string chromosome1, string chromosome2)
            int randomPosition = random.Next(0, chromosome1.Length);
            string newChromosome1 = chromosome1.Substring(randomPosition) + chromosome2.Substring(0, randomPosition);
            string newChromosome2 = chromosome2.Substring(randomPosition) + chromosome1.Substring(0, randomPosition);
            return new string[] { newChromosome1, newChromosome2 };

        public string Run(Func<string, double> fitness, int length, double crossoverProbability, double mutationProbability, int iterations = 100)
            int populationSize = 500;
            // run population is population being generated.
            // test population is the population from which samples are taken.
            List<string> testPopulation = new List<string>(), runPopulation = new List<string>();
            string one = "", two = "";
            var randDouble = 0.0;

            // construct initial population.
            while (testPopulation.Count < populationSize)

            var fitnesses = new double[testPopulation.Count];

            double sum = 0.0;

            // continuously generate populations until number of iterations is met.
            for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; ++iter)
                runPopulation = new List<string>();

                // calculate fitness for test population.
                sum = 0.0;
                fitnesses = new double[testPopulation.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < fitnesses.Length; ++i)
                    fitnesses[i] = fitness(testPopulation[i]);
                    sum += fitnesses[i];

                // a population doesn't need to be generated for last iteration.
                // (using test population)
                if (iter == iterations - 1) break;

                while (runPopulation.Count < testPopulation.Count)

                    one = Select(testPopulation, fitnesses, sum);
                    two = Select(testPopulation, fitnesses, sum);

                    // determine if crossover occurs.
                    randDouble = random.NextDouble();
                    if (randDouble <= crossoverProbability)
                        var stringArr = Crossover(one, two).ToList();
                        one = stringArr[0];
                        two = stringArr[1];

                    one = Mutate(one, mutationProbability);
                    two = Mutate(two, mutationProbability);


                testPopulation = runPopulation;

            // find best-fitting string.
            var testSort = testPopulation.ToArray();
            var fitSort = fitnesses.ToArray();

            Array.Sort(fitSort, testSort);

            return testSort[testSort.Length - 1];


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